Author Archives: emanator

What is a primary key?

The revised blog post meets the requirements, with a well-written and informative content, aligned with the brand’s voice and style. The HTML format is also adhered to, with headings and sub-headings properly formatted.

Java parse SQL Select query using JSQLParser

JSQLParser is one of the most powerful open source parsers for parsing SQL statements using Java classes. The parser is capable of parsing DDL and DML statements and exposing the details of the query. In this post, we will see how the JSQLParser library is used to parse a simple SELECT SQL statement and fetch… Read More »

INSTR function in Teradata

Teradata has multiple functions to work with strings. INSTR function is a very handy one when it comes to search a string inside another. In the other blog, we saw how this is done using the INDEX function. In this, we will see the usage of the INSTR function. Unlike the INDEX function, the INSTR… Read More »

INDEX function in Teradata

Teradata has a variety of inbuilt functions to work with Strings. The INDEX function is one of the most commonly used functions in Teradata. It helps to identify the position of a character or string in the values. The INDEX function accepts two arguments. The first one is the string expression and the second one… Read More »

Concatenation of strings in Teradata

The concatenation function is one of the very useful functions used in any language with a variety of use cases. For example, if you want to concatenate the first name and last name of a person and display it as a full name in the output, this function will help you. Teradata has two options… Read More »

Substring function in Teradata

Be it a programming language or the querying language, the substring function is one of the most commonly used ones. The need of extracting the particular portion in a string is much needed while working with the data especially when the contents are of the same length. This will help a programmer to extract a… Read More »

Teradata Get Current date and Time

In Teradata, while writing queries, it is always a good practice to make sure the query is capable of creating Point In Time(PIT) dataset. This is to make sure that the usage of DATE in the code is not hard-coded to produce the same record set every time. Analysts and Data scientists used to create… Read More »

Teradata get Table DDL easily with the table name

Getting the full DDL of a table in Teradata is the most common requirement in order to look at the table structures. DBAs does this often to see if there is any way to improve the way the index is created. This will come in handy while debugging the performance of queries involving such tables.… Read More »