Author Archives: emanator

MySQL Installation steps

In this article, we will see how to install MySql in the Ubuntu machine. MySql can be installed in linux based machines through the terminal window Execute the command “sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client” from the terminal. The below-given picture is for reference. You will be asked to enter the machine password here. Give the… Read More »

PIG Installation steps

In this previous article, we saw how to install Apache Hive in the Ubuntu machine. Both of these articles are written with an assumption that you have already installed the Hadoop framework in the machine. If not, please visit this post and install the Hadoop framework first. Pig is another component of the Hadoop ecosystem… Read More »

Hive Installation steps

In this post, we will see how to install Hive in your Ubuntu machine. Hive is a tool to query and process data from HDFS. Hive uses HQL(Hive Query Language) for processing data. It follows MySQL syntax so people from SQL background will find it easy to work with the hive. Let’s get into the… Read More »

ALTER TABLE usages in MS SQL Server

In SQL server, ALTER TABLE statement is used for the following purposes  ADD columns/ constraints in the existing table.  DROP columns/ constraints in the existing table.  ALTER columns in the existing table.  ENABLE/ DISABLE triggers. ADD columns/constraints Syntax to add columns and constraints while creating column Syntax to add column(s) One or more columns can… Read More »

How Bluetooth works?

In this article, we will see what is Bluetooth, how it evolved, how it works and the latest version and applications of the same. How the Name “Bluetooth” Derived? Bluetooth wireless technology was named after a Danish Viking and King, Harald  Blatand. His last name means “Bluetooth” in English. He is credited with uniting Denmark… Read More »

Parsing SQL CREATE query using JSQLParser

Parsing SQL statements using programming languages are not common. In this article, we will cover how to parse the standard CREATE SQL statement using a Java-based open source JSQLParser There are multiple use-cases for parsing a Create Statement. Suppose if you want to validate the table schema between the source and target system and make… Read More »

Parsing SQL SELECT query using JSQLParser

Update: A new version of this article is available here In the other article, we saw how to parse an insert query and modify the objects in the query with the help of the JSQL Parser. In this article, we will see how to use the JSQL Parser for parsing a simple select query with… Read More »