Conditional flow using simple If ELSE in BTEQ

Basic TEradata Query utility is one of the advantages of Teradata over other extraction utilities. The advantage of the BTEQ utility is its error handling ability and conditional execution. It is more common that the query execution is often compared against the conditional flow in programming languages and programmers may end up choosing JDBC connection… Read More »

Types of Data Structures

Data structures are broadly classified into primitive and non-primitive data structures. The non-primitive data structure is further classified into linear and non-linear data structures. Primitive Data Structures Primitive data types or structures are predefined data types. They are supported by all programming languages. Examples are, Integer (int) – It is used to store the whole… Read More »

Handling errors in BTEQ with ACTIVITYCOUNT and ERRORCODE

Batch Teradata Query(BTEQ) is a powerful utility in Teradata with multiple options. You can export/import tables and files and make use of them in the same sessions for checking conditions to take decisions. Based on the checks, you can perform your DDL, DML operations. In this post, we will use a very simple use case… Read More »