Creating a table in Teradata using another table

Creating a table in Teradata can be done in multiple ways. In this post, we will see how to create a table from another table without the select statement. The following examples will show how to create a table from another table in Teradata. Creating on the fly with no data This is the case… Read More »

Creating passwordless SSH between Linux servers

In this post, we will see how to establish a passwordless SSH connection between two Linux machines. This can be done by using the Public and Private keys. Once the keys are set up, the authentication will be done using these keys instead of the password. Let us consider there are two Linux machines/servers ServerA… Read More »

BTEQ – Simple way to export data to file

Basic TEradata Query is a powerful utility in Teradata for various reasons. You can write the data of a table into a file using the BTEQ export utility. You can also use it for executing conditional statements based on certain logic, for executing all kinds of DML statements. In this post, we will see how… Read More »